Plan du site
- About us
- Qui sommes-nous ?
- Research
- Scientific activity
- The training course
- Un soutien actif à la recherche
- Les appels à projets
Les projets de recherche doctoraux
- 2D/0D Heterostructure for IR Light Absorption/Detection
- Comprehensive Study of Polymeric Materials in Ancient Paintings by a Multimodal Analysis
- Computing RedOx properties in Solution (CREPS)
- Cycleable & cheap catalysts for hydrogen storage and release by organic liquids
- Design of heterostructurated photoelectrodes for water splitting
- Elucidating interplay, stability and charge transfer dynamics at lead halide perovskite nanocrystal / 2D transition metal dichalcogenide interface for solar cell applications
- Growth and Characterization of Bidimentionnal Pb Layers on Silicon Carbide Substrates
- Insertion Material for (Photo)Catalytic Hydrogen Production (IMatH2)
- Investigation of nanoparticle size effect on the properties of nano-reinforced polymers
- Investigation of the crystal field in rare-earth titanate pyrochlores by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
- Iron Oxides under extreme pressure and temperature condition for planetary interiors
- Nanocystal-based micro-lasers for biological sensing
- TOOTHMIMIC - Enzyme-assisted mineralization for the design of biomimetic enamel
- Seeing in the dark: Dynamics in opaque porous materials
Les projets de recherche postdoctoraux
- Aggregation of clay nanoplatelets: time-resolved SAXS and NMR investigation
- Caractérisation de matériaux composites à fibres courtes via des modèles micromécaniques avancés
- Investigations of bone wastes as advanced energy displays. Nadine Nassif LCMCP / Ozlem Sel LISE
- Sensing and Profiling Extracellular Vesicles related to Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Utilisation de carbonates amorphes produits par des bactéries pour la dépollution de radio-isotopes d’alcalino-terreux
Les bourses exploratoires
- Ageing/alteration of organic materials: Implications for the search for biosignatures on Mars
- Développement de matériaux issus de la biomasse pour un procédé catalytique de dépollution des eaux (SilkDepol)
- Modulating the structural dimensionality in complex oxides to enable reversible aluminium ion intercalation
- Modéliser pour maîtriser les étapes de réduction/nucléation pour la synthèse de Nanoparticules de cuivre métalliques
- Valorization of Bio-Ethanol by Controlling the Selectivity in Various Reactions Catalyzed by Bioinspired Modified Hydroxyapatites
- Publications et congrès
- Communication, templates, publications
- Plateformes techniques
- Formation
- Vie scientifique
- Projet Couleur